As a motorcycle rider, you are probably aware that you will not come away completely unscathed if you are involved in an accident. You are careful to follow traffic laws and drive cautiously. 

Even if you do this, there are situations you cannot control. This is when accidents happen. 

While many things and factors cause motorcycle accidents, one of the most common causes of these accidents is left turns. 

The Problem with Left Turns

When a vehicle is trying to make a left turn, and there is another vehicle coming from the opposite direction that has the right of way, the party trying to turn must use good judgment to determine when it is and is not safe to proceed with their turn. 

The turning driver needs to consider a few things before turning. For example, how fast is the oncoming driver going, and what lane are they in? By gauging these factors, a motorcyclist turning left before an oncoming vehicle should be able to execute their turn safely. 

However, if the oncoming driver is unreliable, is speeding, driving recklessly, or changing lanes unnecessarily, there is little a motorcycle rider can do to avoid a collision after they have started to turn. 

While the above scenario happens often, a more common situation is when a motorcyclist is driving straight, and another vehicle executes a left turn in front of them recklessly. If the driver turning fails to yield to a flashing yellow arrow or a solid green light, they will be considered at fault for the resulting accident. 

Many distracted driving lawyers in Minnesota see cases where a driver was distracted, executed a turn, and did not notice the oncoming motorcyclist. Another situation where the turning driver would be at fault is if they were under the influence of drugs or alcohol when the accident occurred. If this happens, it means the driver who is intoxicated has altered perception and judgment. It is not unusual for a motorcycle driver to experience serious and life-threatening injuries. 

It is worth noting that there is no excuse for this type of accident or injury. While the at-fault driver may claim they did not see the motorcyclist, it is still a result of their negligence. 

How a Minnesota Motorcycle Accident Attorney Can Help with Your Case

Accidents happen even if you try to be careful and remain aware of your surroundings. Motorcyclists who are struck by a vehicle may experience serious injuries like internal bleeding, broken bones, and head injuries. Other accidents may be fatal. If you find yourself in this situation, you have legal rights, and a Minnesota motorcycle accident attorney can help you recover the compensation you are entitled to from the at-fault driver. 

If you were involved in an accident at an intersection and injured while riding your motorcycle, you should find and hire an experienced personal injury attorney. The attorney you hire will gather evidence of your accident and negotiate with the at-fault party’s insurance company on your behalf. 

While accident cases can be complex and confusing, with an attorney, you can feel confident you will achieve the best possible outcome for your case