Online businesses will be dead without traffic! Traffic for online businesses is like customers for a store across the street. If you own a store down the road, where a few or no pedestrians pass by, your business will be dead sooner or later. That’s exactly the same thing for online business, as without traffic, no conversion will be in place. Hence, the most important and initial task for online businesses of any type is to drive traffic to their websites, but how? We answered this question in Websima DMCC, as one of the best SEO company in Dubai.

Have a marketing strategy

The most crucial element that you must pay attention to, is to have a proper marketing strategy. To create a shining marketing strategy, a few vital elements must be taken into account that we will briefly go through them now.

Define your goals

Some types of online businesses' goal is to drive traffic to their website only. Informative websites such as medical information websites sit within these types of businesses. There are also other types of online businesses who need traffic as well as conversion. A clear understanding of the website nature and what you want would help a lot in the process of creating a proper marketing strategy

Know your targeted audiences

Properly identifying your targeted audiences and having a deep understanding of your potential customers behavior when fulfilling their needs online, plays a pivotal role on the quality of your marketing strategy.Your marketing strategy must be professionally created to target quality audiences for the sake of improving conversion rate.

Manage your budget

Money has always been a limitation for all businesses. Based on your marketing plan a detailed marketing budget must be in place in order to properly select the right marketing tools as a part of marketing strategy. Now let’s go through three marketing tools that are now widely used by market participants across the globe

Google Ads, a good way for increase the conversion rate

Putting advertisements on Google is the best way to rank high on the first page of Google and get considerable traffic instantly. However, you must be cautious in using Google Ads, as it costs you a considerable amount of money, so it must be worth it to be utilized. It all depends on your marketing budget and type of businesses to decide on whether to use Google Ads for your marketing campaign.

Banner Advertisement, attract the attention of customers!

Banner advertisement could be a value-added marketing tool for particular types of businesses. It refers to designing an attractive graphical display and putting it on popular websites in exchange for money! It is one of the good marketing tools to be utilized in order to get more traffic and improve your conversion rate. However, you must constantly optimize your marketing campaign based on the feedback you get, in order to get closer to your desired results. So if you looking for web design company in Dubai, feel free to contact us!

Search Engine Optimization or SEO?

SEO is the gold standard when it comes to increasing traffic and enhancing conversion rate for a website. In contrast with Google Ads, SEO takes time and you must be patient enough to constantly work on your website SEO in order to see organic growth after a while. Even though SEO doesn’t drive traffic to your website instantly, like what Google Ads does, SEO costs you far less than Google Ads and more importantly SEO results are long-lasting in comparison with Google Ads results.

Hence, improving website SEO is still considered as the best marketing strategy to increase traffic and improve conversion rate. 

Be Smart, Select Wisely

If you already own a business and are thinking of taking it online, or if you are not happy with your business website’s performance in terms of traffic and conversion, you must consider a professional marketing strategy for your business.

As the first step, you should find a reputable SEO company in Dubai, in order to get them to put an appropriate marketing strategy together for your business. Besides, your website might be in need of some changes for SEO enhancement purposes. Hence, a good web design company in Dubai might also be needed for your online business to become lucrative. There are quite a few good digital service providers in Dubai that you can work with, however we would like to recommend Websima DMCC.

Websima, has been providing quality services to a wide range of happy clients across UAE and international market over the past two decades.

You can contact Websima and ask for a free consultation meeting with their talented team, so you will have the chance to discuss your needs and they will get back to you with a proper offer that suits your needs best.