Each teacher yearns to get students interested and involved in the learning process. But unfortunately, this is not always the case. Students increasingly often stay unfocused and bored. With every lesson, you wonder how to make classes so exciting that children can conceive and retain presented material effortlessly. And what is yet more important – make them want to learn. Have you tested many methods and nothing works?

Don’t worry. There is a way out. This post covers the most efficient tactics to turn lessons into highly engaging and fun while igniting the studying interest. If you are a dedicated educator, this guide is definitely a must-try. So let’s start our overview!

  1. Split the Lesson into Parts

It is not a secret that lessons with lengthy talks, especially when introducing new topics, may be discouraging for children. They will likely sit uncomfortably and have their heads in the clouds during your speech. Splitting such lessons into small parts will make them fun and keep your students’ concentration. 

You may break up the lesson differently depending on the presented material. For example, pitch today’s topic in a few sentences and then switch children to a related activity, like a song or a joke connected to what you are talking about. Then, continue lecturing and, after a little while, involve students in group exercises. It will help them cheer and warm up, still not losing attention. And finish the class by asking the children questions about the topic discussed and inviting them to put their contributions to it.

Rest assured that tiny breaks every 5-10 minutes of speech may entirely change things, boosting learning performance. The crucial here is to come up with unique, fun activities from lesson to lesson. Thus, your kids will absorb and remember information better which will facilitate studying efficiency in further.

  1. Leverage the Power of Technology 

Let’s face the truth. Technology has become an integral part of modern society. And kids deal with smart devices from diapers. So why not combine pleasant with practical and incorporate gadgets into the overall teaching strategy? 

Instead of standing in front of the room continuously speaking, you can make use of a Smartboard interactive display or provide students with tablets containing educational apps or eye-catching infographics. For example, if you teach biology, a good tactic would be to project short clips like an organism video from YouTube/TeacherTube. With PowerPoint, educators can diversify classes and make the topic easy to remember by highlighting key points. Plus, it is essential to keep up with social media since kids spend a lot of time there. That way, due to creating TikTok videos on the specific lesson subjects, you won’t only get students incredibly engaged but also earn authority. 

Another valuable perk of technology within the studying framework is educational computer games and online activities. Suppose kids have watched mentioned above organism video, and to get the material perfectly assimilated, offer them interesting online practices or games on the topic. No doubt, they will be fascinated and learn with eagerness. In other words, technology means increasing the interest level in your classroom by leaps and bounds.

  1. Give Students the Right to Choose

Kids typically don’t have a say regarding daily routine, school, or at home. And mostly, the ability to make decisions like adults poses their core wish. Thus, allowing them to choose when it comes to learning can be a potent motivator since it evokes interest and promotes independence. 

Try giving students the right to choose activities going along with classes or home assignments. For example, you can craft a choice board with different tasks to complete. And kids should opt for desired ones. Besides plenty of fun during classes, this can instill in kids decision-making skills critical in adult life.

  1. Say ‘Yes’ to Interaction

Two heads are surely better than one. Therefore, the learning process might be much more fun and productive if students work in pairs with their classmates. Think-pair-share activities will work best in this case. They will have time to think alone and then pair up and discuss the issue with a partner, following sharing ideas with the entire class. 

Besides faster information retention and fun, such interaction positively affects communication skills, develops teamwork, and improves critical thinking. You can use group cooperation as a break while introducing a new topic or the activity for the whole class setting a timer of 1-2 minutes so all kids may interact with each other.

  1. Connect Material to Real Life

When you long to immerse your students in the material in full, explaining a real-world connection to the particular topic is vital. It will give them the awareness of reasons they should learn what you are teaching. Let’s be honest. You risk losing trustworthiness and authority if you constantly answer with ‘because’ to their questions about why they must be well-versed in the introduced information.

By contrast, provide them with real-life explanations like ‘You are learning about your body structure and watching organism video to know about the harm of junk food and bad lifestyle to internal organs to avoid it’. An honest and straightforward reply will help kids establish the connection between what they cover daily in lessons and how they can implement this info in the future.

  1. Arrange Friendly Competition

Playing games in classes is always amusing and produces a lot of fun. And sometimes, students don’t get that their brains process and save requisite information because a game is so thrilling. In fact, there are multiple ways to do it, but friendly competition tops the list. No taboos here, only sheer flight of imagination. Just pick up interactive activities that most fit your kids' preferences. No less essential implies the ultimate prize.

For example, teachers can gift winners with incentives like home assignment passes or sweets. Some classrooms may contain sticker charts to conduct a contest lasting all semester long. Nothing sparks an interest in learning better than a competitive spirit. But you must take care of everything going in conditions of friendliness and healthy competitiveness. It can be a challenging task for educators, but the outcome is totally worth it.

  1. Go Beyond the Limits

To surprise modern kids with the topic is daunting, and yet more to make them learn it. So if your primary goal is keeping them on their toes, you must think outside the box and plan exceptional practices. For example, when it is biology class, with a long lecture on tissues, organs, and organism video, inviting an expert nutritionist can considerably involve students in the topic. Or you can take children on a field trip while learning specific plants. Such experiences will bring immense amusement, promote faster learning and just become precious memories for them.